
Stop forced vaccines resulting in Vaccine Passports that will not allow you to go to Church without a passport. Stop medical Apartheid & vote for freedom of religion.
Cast your vote

Closing date: Ongoing T.B.D.

You can read more about Government’s plans to force vaccinate 40 million South Africans by the end of 2021 on www.Nuus.News, your new favourite Christian News website. Read the article and be informed.

Government is planning to force vaccinate 40million South Africans by the end of 2021, first by forcing healthcare workers, teachers, the police and government staff to take the experimental “vaccine” and then rolling it out to the people. Furthermore, by allowing organizations to decide for themselves whether they want to make vaccines mandatory among themselves, is already forced vaccinations. Don’t be fooled. Even God rebuked the Galations for being foolish in Galations 3:1. 

Are you going to be a part of this mRNA experimental “vaccination” with a new type of vaccine technology, never used before on humans, that was not tested first on animals and is all created by Bill Gates’s alliances: Moderna, Pfizer-BIONTech, Vir, Astra Zeneka & Curevac etc., all companies that he pushed to pull another world-wide monopoly on the earth just like he did with Microsoft?

Is this the biggest lab experiment ever done on the human race?

Are people going into this like sheep to the slaughter? Have we so quickly forgot how the Jews were killed by the millions during the Holocaust, being softly taken to gas chambers, thinking they were going to be sanitized?

Share your vote and let’s raise up a voice in Christian Unity.

The Inventor of MRNA Technology used in the covid vaccines, Dr Robert Malone, the expert of experts on MRNA vaccines warns that it should NOT be forced on our kids!

2 Corinthians 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Cast your vote below.

Target reached - aiming for 1,000,000 votes
Votes FOR Forced Vaccines
Votes AGAINST Forced Vaccines

Updated every 24 hours.

Participant's comments

First NameDo you support the forced vaccination of South African Citizens?Do you believe the vaccines are the start of the One World Government?Do you approve of vaccination certificates?Do you want to see a delegation of Christian Medical Doctors and Researchers in the National Covid Command Council?Explain why you support/oppose forced vaccinations of South African Citizens?
It's not constitutional, it's demonic
God is my healer, no one will have the oppertunity to manipulate my awesome dna that the Lord gave to me !!!! Sorry I belong to Jesus !!!!!!
God created me, the holy ghost leads me and i do not believe in the Covid 19 vaccine, God planned my life and the vaccine will not be part of my destiny.
The mRNA vaccine is big pharma and Bill Gates's effort to monopolise and control vaccines. A vaccine is only necessary for an illness for which there is no cure. We now have a cure for Covid-19, so the need for a vaccine is no longer there.
One can only go to such an extent of banning something if it poses a direct threat or a disruption to their plans. The question should be: If people are already dying in numbers as they say, what do we have to loose by trying a new product which is already proven to effective in saving lives and affordable? What are the plans of those that are objecting against this product? We are talking of a noble prize winner "drug" for it's effectiveness whereby billions of dozes are already given to people successfully, so it's not something new or unknown. Why oppose? It is clear that the impact of this drug is a complete opposite and a threat to the plan of those pushing their agenda of the vaccine. This is already a question to the safety of the vaccine being currently fed to Gods people. After watching the video, it should become obvious even to the ignorant that human lives are under attack. Someone is determined to wipe off human species from the face of the earth and that is not God. It is not in his will, but we all know the devil works in the dark, hence the banning of such info. No knowledge is equal to death! "My people perish for the lack of knowledge.."
There are far too many questions about the quality and agenda of the vaccines. The sudden advances in getting a vaccine against this virus as opposed to decades of medical trials for vaccines against other similar viruses makes this so-called breakthrough suspicious.
Oppose Mrna vaccinations - the politicians can have it all
The vaccine has nano chips inside and will be used to control the people for the one world order. It will change human DNA and control people. The question is .. why didn't we get any vaccine for swine flu or HIV, why now? People need to be on alert that this is the anti christ at work. No vaccines to be taken
I do not agree with any fascinations, it is against my believe because Jesus is the only one who can heal!! Thank you God for your miracle works!! I pray as a child of God to heal the world in the mighty name of Jesus!! Amen!!
I oppose forced vaccinations. The Covid 19 vaccine has not even been tested on animals, with a new and unproven technology. We don't know what the effects on humans and our DNA will be as mRNA is used in the vaccine, which has never been done before. To put the whole world into forced vaccination shows there is a wicked hand behind this. The Bible says God does all things decently and in order. As Christians we do not accept the haphazard approach Government has followed. Forced vaccines paves the way for the Antichrist's One World Government. I reject it completely in Jesus Name. I am not Government's lab rat. Bill Gates behind all of this, is full of vaccine scandals - go and do your research what he did in India. It's so terrible. Vaccines only lower human immunity. So why does government want us to go on a staple diet of vaccinations? To implement the mark of the beast to control the vaccinations, your ID, your banking, your life.

After you have voted, please ensure you have registered on our database and made yourself available to be used of God in the fastest growing Christian Network in South Africa. Thereafter, keep praying for your government. We will send unified prayer points to you which, in time, millions of Christians will pray at the same time.

1Ti 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Ti 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.