How do you feel about the forced wearing of masks in South Africa? Cast your vote

Closing date: 31 January 2021

The ANC-led, pro-gay DA-supported and blood thristy EFF coalated South African Government has created imprisoning laws to imprison those who do not wear masks in public. Read more on your Christian News website www.Nuus.News for full details.

There is no scientific proof that masks actually can prevent covid infections.

Constant wearing of masks can have negative health effects.

Government has now gone so far as to incite South Africans against each other. Government is stirring up brother against brother, sister against sister, children against parents with their campaigns to motivate South Africans to squeal on each other and phone the police if they see someone not wearing a mask, so the police can come and catch and imprison them. What ludicrousy is this? 

During the hard lockdown, Government actually freed prisoners, some hardened criminals, to make space in overcrowded prisons. Now we know why- to get innocent South Africans behind bars while criminals can roam the streets.

You can now vote to stop this and tell government what you think.

Matthew 10:21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death,
and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents,
and cause them to be put to death.

Cast your vote below.

Target reached - aiming for 1,000,000 votes
Votes for forced wearing of masks​
Votes Against the forced wearing of masks

Participant's comments

First NameDo you approve of forced wearing of masks?Do you approve of getting a criminal record and being imprisoned for not wearing a mask?Do you think citizens should be given a choice to wear a mask?Explain why you support/oppose the forced wearing of masks?Do you feel Government's order to turn in people not wearing masks to the police is turning innocent citizens against each other and dividing South Africa further?
Really!! A mask against a virus!?!?!? Need I say more?
Teen masker dra maak ons siek dis hulle plan (bacteria infection) nie Covid 19 nie. Ons almagtige Vader het ons gemaak om asem in te haal en om uit te blaas. As hy gedink het maskers is goed vir ons sal ons met dit gebore word.
They are trying to force us into the new world order. When wearing a mask you dont inhale pure oxygen. It not good for your immunity
Therecis no medical proof thst masks actually work infact there is more evidence indicating the damage they do to your health
Masks have been proven scientifically not to be able to protect one from Coronavirus infections. In fact they are harmful breeding grounds for bacterial infections and streptococcus. They cause one to rebreathe your own Co2 which can lead to dizzyness or you can eventually pass out or die from Co2 poisoning. Only medical approved masks work, but even with them, they are not recommended for prolonged use. A mask cannot stop a mircoscopic virus from entering your body. So there is no reason for this terrible immune-weakening and sickening "prevention treatment" that Government forces on us. Let those wear the masks that want to. As a Christian, I however do not want to. Research the occultic root of masks, which come from witches and witch doctors wearing masquerades dedicated to demons. Imprisoning people for not wearing masks just shows how wicked the spirit is that is currently fighting in Government. The antichrist spirit wants to take away people's freedom and this is the first step towards the One World Government. I reject and oppose therefore the forced wearing of masks.

After you have voted, please ensure you have registered on our database and made yourself available to be used of God in the fastest growing Christian Network in South Africa. Thereafter, keep praying for your government. We will send unified prayer points to you which, in time, millions of Christians will pray at the same time.

1Ti 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Ti 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
1Ti 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.